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About Write Links

Write Links was formed in 2013 to encourage and assist children’s writers and illustrators in and around Brisbane and to provide access to face-to-face critique groups. Since then, we have recognised the need to support children’s book creators in the state. We now hold our meetings in person and on-line.  This need was identified by both SCBWI Queensland and Book Links. The group is administered by Book Links Queensland Inc. and meets monthly at the State Library Qld.

From its early days, Write Links has evolved into a vibrant community with many opportunities for emerging children’s writers and illustrators and published children’s writers and illustrators (including self-published and indie published) through networking, professional development sessions, competitions, and critique groups.

Meet the Write Links team.

Check out what our members say about Write Links!

Write Links has been made possible through the support and with the assistance of Book Links and the Queensland Writer’s Centre.


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