Write Links Writing Activation with Jenny Stubbs
Jenny Stubbs Held 2nd August, 2019 Saturday 2:00-3:00pm. This thought provoking Write Links Writing Activation was run by Jenny Stubbs, Book Links President. Jenny shared a writing idea from Archie Fusillo from the 2015 StoryArts
Writing Activation with Maria Parenti-Baldey
A Reading and Writing Workshop for Kids Maria Parenti-Baldey Author and school teacher Maria Parenti-Baldey surprised us with a workshop for children on reading and writing. Not only was it informative and gave us
The Author’s Story – Karen Tyrrell’s indie publishing process for Rainforest Rescue
Karen Tyrrell chatted with Lucy McGinley about the Indie publishing process of Karen's latest book in the Songbird series, Rainforest Rescue. Karen defines Indie Publishing as setting up your own imprint to the highest industry
How to turn your real life experiences into an action packed adventure mystery, by Karen Tyrrell
What inspires an author to write and how do they translate this passion into a story that interests others? Who better to share some insight than Karen Tyrrell who weaves her passion for the environment through her Song Bird series. Blog
The Pitch
Writers' Activation - The PitchLast Saturday, Write Links members practiced their story pitches as part of our writers’ activation session.Author Rebecca Sheraton facilitated the activity with picture book, mid-grade and YA authors present.The Plot Pitching activityVerbally, we shared the
Jenny Stubbs – How to present an author talk
How to present at a Festival or School An insightful presentation by Jenny Stubbs a Teacher Librarian and Story Arts Festival organiser shared some insightful tips for authors considering talking at festivals or schools. Before you are booked: TIP 1 - Find out
Kick Arse Characters with Hayley Jackson
YA Author Hayley Jackson presented a dynamic workshop on how she develops her YA kick arse characters during our Write Links meeting on the 2nd of June. She emphasised the importance of a strong voice
I went because I wanted to make a website. I had part of an understanding of the process via some wonderful, tech-savvy (which I am not) friends. But not only that, I’d been trying to make it to one of
mini-fest creating authentic characters with isobelle carmody
Isobelle Carmody, the acclaimed writer of science fiction, fantasy, children’s and young adult literature, presented an insightful workshop on authentic characters: voice, diversity and character arcs during Brisbane Writelinks Minifest on 11 August 2018. She
Story Arts Brisbane 19-20 Oct 2019
Meet the Publishers at Book Links StoryArts Brisbane Festival 19-20 October 2019.Join TOP publishers, authors and illustrators. Pitch to a publisher or a literary agent. Learn how to write and illustrate a children’s book. #BSAB19 festival presented by Book