Write Links’ Mini Fest is A GO!
These master classes will be especially of interest to emerging and experienced children’s and YA writers, but newbies and lovers of children’s literature are also welcome.
Planned by authors for authors, Write Links members and YA and Children’s Book Authors Hayley Jackson and Charlotte Barkla with assistance of children’s author and illustrator and Write Links Coordinator Yvonne Mes have been planning this amazing event and they know just what you are looking for!
They have aimed to give you a well-rounded day which looks at everything from picture books to writing for Young Adults and to go beyond the basics.
The presenters have been selected based on their engaging and informative presentation styles and their expertise in their areas.
This event would not be possible without the support from Book Links.
7.45am – Registration and Networking
8.15am – Welcome
8.30 am- 10.30am Peter Carnavas, Picture Book and Junior Fiction Author and Illustrator talks about picture book writing and illustrating.
Morning Tea and Book Signing
11am – 1pm Isobelle Carmody, YA and Children’s Writer will look at developing an authentic voice across a novel, creating diverse characters and developing strong character arcs.
Lunch and Book Signing
2.30pm – 4.30pm Dave Lowe, Junior Novel Author will focus on instilling humour into your story and structuring your junior fiction novel.
Book Signing
Please note that morning tea and lunch are not included. You can purchase food and drinks from the Bookshop Cafe and Whale Mall Cafe.
Book signings will take place in the Library Bookshop across from Room 1B.
Full Day $60.00 for Book Links/ Write Links Members and students
Full Day $80.00 non members
Room 1B, State Library of Queensland
Cultural Precinct
Stanley Place, South Brisbane, Qld 4101
Peter Carnavas
Peter creates picture books for children and grown-ups to enjoy. He writes simple yet poignant tales, accompanied by whimsical illustrations, which combine to create layers of meaning for the reader. His books include Jessica’s Box, Last Tree in the City, The Great Expedition and his latest picture book, The Children Who Loved Books, a warm and moving celebration of books and the ways in which they bring us together. He has also collaborated with Pat Flynn on My Totally Awesome Story, an action-packed comedy that manages to make kids laugh and learn how to write stories at the same time.
Peter’s presentations involve cartooning, storytelling tips, illustration techniques, hands-on fun and lots of audience participation. With a background in primary school teaching, Peter has a natural rapport with children and loves showing them how they can create stories and illustrations themselves.
Peter’s work has been nominated for many awards, including the Queensland Premier’s Literary Award, The Children’s Book Council of Australia Crichton Award and Speech Pathology Australia’s Book of the Year Award. His books have been translated into many languages.
Peter was honoured to be a National Year of Reading Ambassador in 2012 and continues his role as a Love2Read National Ambassador in 2013.
Isobelle’s work for younger readers includes her two series, The Legend of Little Fur, and The Kingdom of the Lost, the first book of which, The Red Wind, won the CBCA Book of the Year Award for Younger Readers in 2011. She has also written several picture books as well as collections of short stories for children, young adults and adults.
The ‘Stinky and Jinks’ books, illustrated by Mark Chambers, follow the exciting adventures of a boy and his genius hamster. The first book, My Hamster is a Genius, was highly commended at the prestigious Sheffield Book Awards in the UK in 2013 (second only to Tom Gates) and the series (six books) has already been translated into six languages, and has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide.
Dave is also the author of two ‘Squirrel Boy’ books, illustrated by Cate James, about a new kind of superhero, and his 73 year-old sidekick, Mrs Onions. The first book, Squirrel Boy vs The Bogeyman, won a Lancashire Fantastic Book award in 2016. Winner of Teach Primary Book Award 2018 – UK
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essays ontime
It would be a big honor for me to train under the tutelage of Peter Carnavas, Isobelle Carmody and Dave Lowe. These three experts were very different from one another. There’s a writer, a painter, and an artist. If you’re going to think if it, there are thousands of things you will learn from them. All you need to have is the eagerness to learn from them. Yes, some sacrifices might be made, but that’s not an issue as long as you’re going to get something from it!